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Stay in School: Medical Marijuana Education is on the Rise

With more and more US states legalizing cannabis, medical marijuana education in schools is on the rise!

After California legalized marijuana in 2016, what followed was long lines outside medical marijuana dispensaries in the state. Similar scenes were witnessed in several other US states.

Awareness regarding medical cannabis began to grow as people young and old came across advertisements or heard conversations regarding this hotly debated drug. Interested individuals from legal medical marijuana states began registering online on their state’s registry to get a medical marijuana card.

With a medical marijuana card and recommendation by a doctor, they began legally obtaining cannabis by visiting marijuana dispensaries or requesting cannabis home delivery.

besame wellness - Stay in School: Medical Marijuana Education is on the Rise


Marijuana Abuse

Despite the rising awareness and legalization in many US states, substance abuse still remains a major issue countrywide.

Marijuana abuse is widespread in the US and continues to rise, with teenagers smoking more than ever. This is particularly concerning since teens who smoke marijuana are at a greater risk of becoming addicted to marijuana or something harder in their later years.

One positive that has emerged amongst all this is the substantial evolution of drug prevention education in schools. From the ‘Just Say No’ theme of the ’80s, today’s education focuses on critical thinking skills & decision-making rather than just straightaway avoiding it.


Medical Marijuana Education on the Rise

A school in the San Francisco Bay area is using the Being Adept curriculum, which is an evidence-based curriculum being used by around 20 schools in the area.

The drug abuse education in this curriculum is based on decades of meticulous effectiveness research and the latest teaching techniques.

The old days of a brain on drugs being compared to an egg in a frying pan are long gone. Research that assessed the effectiveness of these old scare-tactic-based programs has shown that they were very much ineffectual. On the other hand, today’s drug abuse education helps cultivate a completely different mindset about school-based prevention.


To summarize, the focus of medical marijuana education today is on facts and not imposing fear in the minds of students.

Diktats like ‘Just say no’ have been rightfully weeded out, and students are encouraged by teachers to inspect data, contemplate on motives, debate on risks, and ponder on their respective goals & values.

If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.


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A Brief History of Marijuana Use in Health & Medicine

Over the past few years, public attention and awareness in the US regarding the usage of medical cannabis for various health conditions has witnessed a significant upswing.

This has been a direct consequence of a large number of US states legalizing the use of medical marijuana. These legalizations have helped boost the usage and positive outlook of people towards medical marijuana.

However, with cannabis and cannabinoid agents being regarded as medically beneficial for relieving symptoms or treating disease, their efficacy for particular indications is yet to be verified.

The FDA has considered how this recent spate of legalizations might support the scientific rigor of medicinal cannabis claims and the ongoing review of public data regarding the safety & abuse potential of this controversial drug.

Amidst all these happenings, it’s important that we are aware of the historical importance of medical cannabis!

besame wellness - A Brief History of Marijuana Use in Health & Medicine


Historical Importance of Medical Cannabis

To begin with, the origins of cannabis can be traced back to the ancient world. Extensive evidence has indicated its use over 5,000 years ago in modern-day Romania. The first direct source of evidence suggesting cannabis usage for medicinal purposes can be found to be around 400 AD.

Speaking of its history in the United States, widespread use of cannabis as a patent medicine during the 19th & early 20th centuries has been described in the United States Pharmacopoeia for the inaugural instance in the year 1850.

The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was the first time federal restrictions were imposed on the usage and sale of cannabis. Subsequently, 3 decades later, the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 was passed and marijuana was classified as a Schedule 1 drug. This resulted in marijuana being officially outlawed for any use, including for medical purposes.

Besides criminalization, these acts played their part in creating limitations for research on the medicinal properties of marijuana for specific health conditions by restricting the procurement of marijuana for academic purposes.


Legalization of Medical Marijuana

After the act of 1970, it took more than a quarter of a century for a US state to permit legal access to the usage of botanical cannabis for medicinal purposes under the supervision of a doctor. This came with the enactment of the Compassionate Use Act by California state in 1996.

Since then, the movement for the legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes gradually gathered momentum in the country.

This has culminated in today’s much more favorable situation wherein 36 US states, 4 territories, and the District of Columbia have legalized medical cannabis usage. Nevertheless, at the federal level, its use still remains prohibited.

If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.


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Medical Marijuana Proves Effective in Dealing with PTSD

According to the American Psychiatric Association, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a mental disorder that affects approximately 3.5% of U.S. adults each year.

An estimated 1 in 11 people are diagnosed with PTSD in their lifetime. They have to deal with symptoms like extreme anxiety, panic attacks, uncontrollable thoughts, flashbacks & nightmares regarding the scary event they had experienced.

In some instances, these overpowering symptoms lead to a person committing suicide.

Speaking of treatment, psychotherapy and medications (antidepressants & anti-anxiety drugs) are usually prescribed for PTSD patients, but medical marijuana has long been touted as being helpful for those suffering from PTSD.

Many patients have been stating that marijuana helps with their PTSD. And now, research studies on the effectiveness of medical marijuana in helping PTSD patients deal with this mental disorder have come to light.

besame wellness - Medical Marijuana Proves Effective in Dealing with PTSD


Positive Research Findings

Research studies conducted recently have indicated that cannabinoids present in marijuana may help in the treatment of PTSD,

While one of the studies reveals how marijuana can decrease activity in the amygdala (brain part linked with fear responses to threats), another study indicates that cannabinoids could help extinguish traumatic memories. Both these positive effects have the potential to be therapeutic for PTSD patients.


Research Study-1

The first study was conducted by researchers at Wayne State University, located in Michigan. This study focused on checking how marijuana use impacted the amygdala response of people dealing with trauma-related anxiety, like PTSD.

On completing the research, the authors stated that the research suggests that THC present in marijuana modulates threat-related processing in trauma-exposed individuals with PTSD.

They further mentioned that the drug “may prove advantageous as a pharmacological approach to treating stress- and trauma-related psychopathology.”


Research Study-2

The second study was conducted by researchers at the Federal University of Parana in Brazil. They examined another potential manner in which marijuana could help PTSD patients – by extinguishing the intensity linked with their traumatic memories.

The researchers carried out a comprehensive review of marijuana literature from the year 1974-2020. They investigated evidence from controlled human trials to support/deny the view that marijuana helps in the ‘extinction’ of memories linked with trauma.

The researchers discovered that marijuana could assist in the process of extinction of memories. They found that low doses of THC or THC combined with CBD helped boost the extinction rate for challenging memories & decrease overall anxiety responses.

The authors concluded that the current evidence from healthy humans, as well as PTSD patients, indicates that these forms of marijuana “suppress anxiety and aversive memory expression without producing significant adverse effects.”

To conclude, we can say that the findings of these research studies offer answers for why people suffering from PTSD find marijuana to be helpful.

But, more importantly, they offer a ray of hope for the future with regards to medical marijuana being used as a treatment option for PTSD!

If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.


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Why Terpenes Matter for Medical Marijuana Patients?

If you’ve been reading about cannabis over the past few years, you may have come across the rising popularity of terpenes. Let’s get to know about them and their reported benefits in this blog.

Despite the fact that marijuana has been known to humankind for a number of centuries, there is still a significant lack of clarity about its safety & effectiveness as a medicine. So let’s get an overview of its uses, medicinal properties, and associated risks in this blog.

besame wellness - Why Terpenes Matter for Medical Marijuana Patients?


What are Terpenes?

‘Terpenes’ is an umbrella term that classifies a wide range of secondary chemical compounds (very small molecules) produced by cannabis and almost all other plants on planet earth.

They have become a burning topic in cannabis markets in legal US states due to their potential significant positive effects.


Medical Effects of Terpenes

Centuries of herbal medicine have helped us identify and understand the medical effects of terpenes. Herbal medicine has unknowingly used the effects of naturally present terpenes in essential oils of plants to cure common symptoms of diseases.

Today, we are aware of various terpenes with proven positive impact against issues like inflammation, nausea, pain, sleep disorders, seizures, cancer cell growth, asthma, etc.

However, significant research is still required to get a clear idea of how each terpene interacts with the human body and various disease states.

Moreover, there are a very large number of terpenes present in cannabis (we are only aware of a hundred to date) for us to share their specific effects and medical benefits in this short blog.


So, let’s check out the medical benefits & potential effects of some of the main terpenes present in cannabis:

1) Myrcene

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Sedative
  • Insomnia Relief
  • Anti-Inflammatory

Potential effects:

  • Relaxation
  • “Couch-lock”
  • Pain Relief

2) Limonene

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Gastroprotective
  • Anti-depressant
  • Anti-fungal

Potential effects:

  • Mood Elevation
  • Enhanced Focus
  • Stress Relief

3) Linalool

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Immune system support
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-convulsive

Potential effects:

  • Calming/Sedative
  • Anxiety Relief
  • Pain Relief

4) Pinene

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Improved airflow to lungs
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory

Potential effects:

  • Focus
  • Alertness
  • Reduced THC-related memory impairment

5) Caryophyllene

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Gastroprotective
  • Anti-depressant

Potential effects:

  • Sedative
  • Pain Relief
  • Reduced Anxiety

6) Terpinolene

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Insomnia relief
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-microbial

Potential effects:

  • Sedative in isolation
  • Stimulating with THC
  • Anxiety Relief

These aforementioned medicinal benefits and potential effects of the different types of terpenes make them very important for medical marijuana patients.

Also, it’s vital to note that we are yet to discover the effects of many other terpenes present in cannabis. A treasure trove of knowledge regarding terpenes is yet to be unearthed, making them all the more valuable in the coming years!

If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.


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Medicinal Properties of Marijuana

One of the burning questions US-based physicians are being asked across the states is regarding medical marijuana in Kansas City. People are curious to know whether marijuana is safe and effective as medicine.

Despite the fact that marijuana has been known to humankind for a number of centuries, there is still a significant lack of clarity about its safety & effectiveness as a medicine. So let’s get an overview of its uses, medicinal properties, and associated risks in this blog.

besame wellness - Medicinal Properties of Marijuana


About Marijuana

Marijuana comprises over 60 cannabinoids, some of which exhibit psychoactive effects. These cannabinoids can be inhaled, consumed via food, or utilized as oral cannabinoid extract.

Importantly, the ratio of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to non-psychoactive cannabidiol components determines the clinical effectiveness & detrimental effects of marijuana.


Uses of Marijuana

Presently, there are 2 FDA-approved cannabinoids available in the US for refractory chemotherapy-induced nausea & vomiting. They are namely dronabinol (Marinol®) & nabilone (Cesamet®) and are prescribed in pill form. Nabilone is moreover indicated for AIDS-associated wasting & spasticity caused by a spinal cord injury.

Furthermore, various other marijuana-based medications have been approved or are in the process of clinical trials in the US.

One such medication, Nabiximols (Sativex®) is presently available in the UK, Canada, and many European countries for treating the spasticity & neuropathic pain that may come with multiple sclerosis. It is consumed in the form of a mouth spray and is essentially a combination of THC & CBD, which is another chemical found in marijuana.

Also, the FDA has approved a CBD-based liquid medication named Epidiolex® for the treatment of 2 kinds of chronic childhood epilepsy, Dravet syndrome & Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. It’s delivered to patients in a reliable dosage form & via a reproducible route of delivery to make sure the patients receive the expected benefits.

Despite all this, there is still a lot of research required to figure out optimal dosing & delivery routes.


Medicinal Properties of Marijuana

The potential medicinal attributes of marijuana and its constituents have been extensively researched & debated for a large number of years. However, regardless of that, no consensus has been reached about marijuana as a medicine.

One thing that has come to light is that THC on its own has proven medical benefits in specific formulations, while CBD does not have any of the beneficial attributes of THC.


Risks of Using Marijuana as a Medicine

Coming to the risks associated with marijuana as a medicine, the major detrimental health effects revolve around smoking & THC-induced cognitive impairment.

Another chief concern is the apparent lack of knowledge regarding the long-term impact of its usage by people with health and/or age-related susceptibilities. This includes senior citizens or people suffering from cancer, AIDS, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, or other neurodegenerative diseases.

Additional research is required to ascertain whether people with chronic health conditions and a weak immune system are at a higher risk of experiencing negative health effects from marijuana use.

Until then, it’s best to follow your doctor’s advice and the rules & guidelines prescribed by your state and the FDA.

If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.


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Health Benefits of Cannabis

As per the National Institutes of Health, marijuana (cannabis) has been used by humans to treat health conditions for a minimum of 3,000 years.

In today’s world, a conflict has been raging between a prevailing notion that marijuana is an effective treatment for a variety of health conditions and a dearth of scientific knowledge regarding its effects on usage.

Amidst this conflicting backdrop, many more US states are legalizing the usage of medical marijuana. Currently, a minimum of 29 US states along with the District of Columbia have made marijuana available for medical purposes, with few states also allowing it for recreational use.

With all this happening around us, it’s essential to be aware of the most prominent health benefits of cannabis that are backed by scientific evidence. So, let’s check them out!

besame wellness - Health Benefits Of Cannabis


Five Important Health Benefits of Cannabis

1. Chronic Pain

With chronic pain being a major reason for disability among Americans (affecting over 25m US adults), the effective use of medical marijuana dispensary in Kansas City for treating chronic pain has come as a boon.

It has been found that marijuana, or products comprising cannabinoids (active ingredients in marijuana), or other compounds that impact the same brain receptors as marijuana are great at alleviating chronic pain.

The cannabinoids present in marijuana may decrease chronic pain by modifying pain perception pathways in the brain. This may be of assistance in treating conditions that cause chronic pain, like:

  • Arthritis
  • Migraine
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibromyalgia


2. Neurological and Mental Disorders

Over the past decade or so, it has come to light that marijuana may help treat some mental health conditions and their symptoms due to its effects on the limbic system.

Health practitioners may prescribe marijuana for the treatment of the following neurological & mental health conditions:

  • Epilepsy (Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome & Dravet Syndrome)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Tourette Syndrome


3. Cancer Treatment and Side Effects

One of the significant and most well-known health benefits of cannabis pertains to cancer and the side effects of its treatment.

Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy have a hard time coping with its side effects which include chronic pain, nausea, vomiting & loss of appetite.

Evidence has indicated that oral cannabinoids are potent against nausea & vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Also, few small studies have shown that smoked marijuana may also assist in alleviating these symptoms of cancer.

In addition to that, marijuana has also been found to boost appetite and help decrease chronic pain, thus providing significant relief to patients going through cancer treatment.


4. Multiple Sclerosis

Studies have shown that using oral cannabinoids for a short time may help people suffering from multiple sclerosis deal with symptoms of spasticity by reducing pain.

Marijuana basically helps stop the detrimental neurological effects & muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis. The positive effects are of modest proportion.


5. Inflammation

CBD present in marijuana may help decrease inflammation in case of the following inflammatory conditions:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.


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Uses And Risks Of Cbd Oil

CBD oil is basically an oil derived from the cannabis plant. It’s an extract of Cannabis indica or Cannabis sativa – the same plants which on drying are used for making marijuana.

Some people believe that CBD oil helps treat pain, decrease anxiety, and stimulate appetite, similar to how marijuana does, minus its psychoactive effects. Let’s get to know in detail about its uses, potential health benefits, and risks.

besame wellness - Uses And Risks Of Cbd Oil


CBD Oil and its Uses

For starters, CBD is one of the many cannabinoids (compounds) present in the cannabis plant. Researchers worldwide have been working on finding the potential therapeutic uses of CBD.

Generally speaking, CBD oil consists of CBD mixed with an inert carrier oil, like coconut oil or hemp seed oil. The bottled oil, known as a tincture, is sold in many different concentrations, with CBD capsules, gummies, and under-the-tongue sprays also available for purchase.


Health Benefits of CBD Oil

Some of the major health benefits of CBD Oil comprise decreasing inflammation & pain and helping treat specific kinds of seizures.

As per a 2018 study, there are various different reasons for taking CBD oil which include:

  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis or joint pain
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Sleep disorder
  • Migraine
  • Cluster and other headaches
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Nausea
  • Cancer
  • Allergies or asthma
  • Epilepsy and other seizure disorders
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Lung conditions
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Despite all these potential benefits, CBD Oil is not legal in all US states, and there are some potential risks that one should be aware of before using it.

However, before we delve into those potential risks and side effects, let’s get to know the difference between CBD & THC – two of the compounds present in marijuana.


The Difference Between CBD and THC

While CBD is the short form for cannabidiol, THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. Both these compounds are present in marijuana and have different effects.

THC is the most active constituent of marijuana and is responsible for the ‘high’ that a person experiences when smoking it or using it for cooking purposes. It has a psychological effect on the person using it.

On the other hand, CBD is not psychoactive. Therefore, it does not have any psychological effect while having potential medical benefits.

Also, CBD oil usually does not comprise THC, albeit some trace amounts could be found in products sold in specific states.


Risks and Side Effects of CBD Oil

As is the case with the majority of therapies, CBD oil usage may also have some risks and side effects. Hence, it’s strongly recommended that anyone using it as a prescription drug or otherwise should consult a doctor beforehand.

Clinical research indicates that CBD Oil can trigger certain side effects, with their severity & type differing from person to person.

Common symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in mood
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Potential side effects comprise:

  • Liver damage
  • Interactions with other drugs & alcohol
  • Changes in alertness, which can make driving dangerous
  • Gastrointestinal problems and loss of appetite
  • Mood changes, including irritability and irritation
  • Reduction in fertility for males

CBD oil usage during pregnancy

The FDA has advised people to avoid using CBD during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Medical experts state that using marijuana during pregnancy may have a negative effect on the fetal development of neurons.

Hence, it’s recommended not to use CBD oil during pregnancy.

If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.


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How Does Medical Marijuana Work?

With an increasing number of US states passing laws that allow people to use medical marijuana for the treatment of certain health conditions, it’s high time you are aware of basic info about it, how it works and which potential conditions it treats.

This comprehensive blog will provide detailed information regarding all this and more. Let’s begin!

besame wellness - How Does Medical Marijuana Work?


About Medical Marijuana

Since the turn of the century, the usage of medical marijuana as a treatment option has been explored for a variety of health conditions that are unsuccessfully treated with other common drugs & therapies.

Moreover, the continuous support of doctors & patients who have experienced the effectiveness of medical marijuana in helping with symptoms of certain medical conditions has resulted in states permitting its use for these conditions if prescribed by a doctor.

The US states who have made medical marijuana legal are usually termed medical marijuana states. If you are a resident of a state where medical marijuana is legal, and your health practitioner believes that it could help treat one of the health issues you’re suffering from, then you’ll receive a ‘marijuana card.’

Consequently, you will be placed on a list that permits you to purchase marijuana from an authorized medical marijuana seller, generally known as a cannabis dispensary.


How Does Medical Marijuana Work?

Presently, there are 2 FDA-approved cannabinoids available in the US for refractory chemotherapy-induced nausea & vomiting. They are namely dronabinol (Marinol®) & nabilone (Cesamet®) and are prescribed in pill form. Nabilone is moreover indicated for AIDS-associated wasting & spasticity caused by a spinal cord injury.

Furthermore, various other marijuana-based medications have been approved or are in the process of clinical trials in the US.

One such medication, Nabiximols (Sativex®) is presently available in the UK, Canada, and many European countries for treating the spasticity & neuropathic pain that may come with multiple sclerosis. It is consumed in the form of a mouth spray and is essentially a combination of THC & CBD, which is another chemical found in marijuana.

Also, the FDA has approved a CBD-based liquid medication named Epidiolex® for the treatment of 2 kinds of chronic childhood epilepsy, Dravet syndrome & Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. It’s delivered to patients in a reliable dosage form & via a reproducible route of delivery to make sure the patients receive the expected benefits.

Despite all this, there is still a lot of research required to figure out optimal dosing & delivery routes.


Medicinal Properties of Marijuana

The potential medicinal attributes of marijuana and its constituents have been extensively researched & debated for a large number of years. However, regardless of that, no consensus has been reached about marijuana as a medicine.

One thing that has come to light is that THC on its own has proven medical benefits in specific formulations, while CBD does not have any of the beneficial attributes of THC.


Risks of Using Marijuana as a Medicine

To begin with, the human body already produces marijuana-esque chemicals that influence pain, inflammation & various other processes.

According to Laura Borgelt, PharmD, of the University of Colorado, marijuana can sometimes help these naturally produced chemicals work better. This, in turn, provides relief to patients suffering from certain health conditions.


Health Conditions that Medical Marijuana Treats

Many US citizens are curious about medical marijuana and have a common question to ask: Can cannabis treat health conditions?

To answer this question, currently, more than 200 different indications or uses for medical marijuana have been identified that can be distinguished into the following broad categories:

  • Anti-nauseant & appetite stimulant
  • Antispasmodic & anti-convulsant
  • Analgesic (pain reliever)
  • Anti-inflammatory & immune system modulator
  • Anxiolytic (anxiety reliever) & antidepressant for mood disorders
  • Harm reduction substitute for alcohol, opiates & other dangerous drugs

To be more specific regarding its usage, medical marijuana in kansa city is commonly prescribed as a treatment option for the following list of conditions:

  • Chronic pain
  • Nausea caused by cancer chemotherapy
  • HIV
  • Muscle spasms from multiple sclerosis
  • Glaucoma
  • IBS
  • Seizure disorders
  • Crohn’s disease

Medical Marijuana can work wonders for various physical and psychological conditions to alleviate your symptoms.

If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card today and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri.


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Medicinal Properties of Marijuana

One of the burning questions US-based physicians are being asked across the states is regarding medical marijuana in dexter. People are curious to know whether marijuana is safe and effective as medicine.

Despite the fact that marijuana has been known to humankind for a number of centuries, there is still a significant lack of clarity about its safety & effectiveness as a medicine. So let’s get an overview of its uses, medicinal properties, and associated risks in this blog.

besame wellness - Medicinal Properties of Marijuana


About Marijuana

Marijuana comprises over 60 cannabinoids, some of which exhibit psychoactive effects. These cannabinoids can be inhaled, consumed via food, or utilized as oral cannabinoid extract.

Importantly, the ratio of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to non-psychoactive cannabidiol components determines the clinical effectiveness & detrimental effects of marijuana.


Uses of Marijuana

Presently, there are 2 FDA-approved cannabinoids available in the US for refractory chemotherapy-induced nausea & vomiting. They are namely dronabinol (Marinol®) & nabilone (Cesamet®) and are prescribed in pill form. Nabilone is moreover indicated for AIDS-associated wasting & spasticity caused by a spinal cord injury.

Furthermore, various other marijuana-based medications have been approved or are in the process of clinical trials in the US.

One such medication, Nabiximols (Sativex®) is presently available in the UK, Canada, and many European countries for treating the spasticity & neuropathic pain that may come with multiple sclerosis. It is consumed in the form of a mouth spray and is essentially a combination of THC & CBD, which is another chemical found in marijuana.

Also, the FDA has approved a CBD-based liquid medication named Epidiolex® for the treatment of 2 kinds of chronic childhood epilepsy, Dravet syndrome & Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. It’s delivered to patients in a reliable dosage form & via a reproducible route of delivery to make sure the patients receive the expected benefits.

Despite all this, there is still a lot of research required to figure out optimal dosing & delivery routes.


Medicinal Properties of Marijuana

The potential medicinal attributes of marijuana and its constituents have been extensively researched & debated for a large number of years. However, regardless of that, no consensus has been reached about marijuana as a medicine.

One thing that has come to light is that THC on its own has proven medical benefits in specific formulations, while CBD does not have any of the beneficial attributes of THC.


Risks of Using Marijuana as a Medicine

Coming to the risks associated with marijuana as a medicine, the major detrimental health effects revolve around smoking & THC-induced cognitive impairment.

Another chief concern is the apparent lack of knowledge regarding the long-term impact of its usage by people with health and/or age-related susceptibilities. This includes senior citizens or people suffering from cancer, AIDS, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, or other neurodegenerative diseases.

Additional research is required to ascertain whether people with chronic health conditions and a weak immune system are at a higher risk of experiencing negative health effects from marijuana use.

Until then, it’s best to follow your doctor’s advice and the rules & guidelines prescribed by your state and the FDA.

If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri. Call us on +1 (816) 775-2920 today.


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