Why Terpenes Matter for Medical Marijuana Patients?

Why Terpenes Matter for Medical Marijuana Patients?

If you’ve been reading about cannabis over the past few years, you may have come across the rising popularity of terpenes. Let’s get to know about them and their reported benefits in this blog.

Despite the fact that marijuana has been known to humankind for a number of centuries, there is still a significant lack of clarity about its safety & effectiveness as a medicine. So let’s get an overview of its uses, medicinal properties, and associated risks in this blog.

besame wellness - Why Terpenes Matter for Medical Marijuana Patients?


What are Terpenes?

‘Terpenes’ is an umbrella term that classifies a wide range of secondary chemical compounds (very small molecules) produced by cannabis and almost all other plants on planet earth.

They have become a burning topic in cannabis markets in legal US states due to their potential significant positive effects.


Medical Effects of Terpenes

Centuries of herbal medicine have helped us identify and understand the medical effects of terpenes. Herbal medicine has unknowingly used the effects of naturally present terpenes in essential oils of plants to cure common symptoms of diseases.

Today, we are aware of various terpenes with proven positive impact against issues like inflammation, nausea, pain, sleep disorders, seizures, cancer cell growth, asthma, etc.

However, significant research is still required to get a clear idea of how each terpene interacts with the human body and various disease states.

Moreover, there are a very large number of terpenes present in cannabis (we are only aware of a hundred to date) for us to share their specific effects and medical benefits in this short blog.


So, let’s check out the medical benefits & potential effects of some of the main terpenes present in cannabis:

1) Myrcene

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Sedative
  • Insomnia Relief
  • Anti-Inflammatory

Potential effects:

  • Relaxation
  • “Couch-lock”
  • Pain Relief

2) Limonene

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Gastroprotective
  • Anti-depressant
  • Anti-fungal

Potential effects:

  • Mood Elevation
  • Enhanced Focus
  • Stress Relief

3) Linalool

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Immune system support
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-convulsive

Potential effects:

  • Calming/Sedative
  • Anxiety Relief
  • Pain Relief

4) Pinene

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Improved airflow to lungs
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory

Potential effects:

  • Focus
  • Alertness
  • Reduced THC-related memory impairment

5) Caryophyllene

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Gastroprotective
  • Anti-depressant

Potential effects:

  • Sedative
  • Pain Relief
  • Reduced Anxiety

6) Terpinolene

Reported medicinal benefits:

  • Insomnia relief
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-microbial

Potential effects:

  • Sedative in isolation
  • Stimulating with THC
  • Anxiety Relief

These aforementioned medicinal benefits and potential effects of the different types of terpenes make them very important for medical marijuana patients.

Also, it’s vital to note that we are yet to discover the effects of many other terpenes present in cannabis. A treasure trove of knowledge regarding terpenes is yet to be unearthed, making them all the more valuable in the coming years!

If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.


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