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Step-by-Step Guide to Renewing Your MMJ Card in Missouri Online with Discounts!

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If you’re seeking a fast, hassle-free, and entirely online process for renewing your Missouri Medical Marijuana card, your search ends here!

Wondering how to renew your medical card in Missouri? Is it possible to renew your medical card online?

In this guide, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on renewing your Missouri MMJ Card, covering all aspects of Missouri medical marijuana card renewals.

We wholeheartedly support patients in their natural healing journey with medical marijuana, and we are here to assist you. Let’s dive into the process of renewing a Missouri MMJ card.

Process Of Renewing Your Missouri Medical Marijuana Card.
Renewing Your Missouri MMJ Card

Renewing your medical card online follows a simple process that closely resembles obtaining your initial certification. The renewal application consists of two parts: obtaining a doctor’s medical cannabis certification and submitting the renewal application to Missouri State.

You can initiate the medical card renewal process within 60 days before the expiration date mentioned on your MMJ card.

For the record, the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services advises applying for an MMJ card renewal at least 1 month before the expiry date.

This is necessary as the department requires 30 days to process a renewal application. Submitting your renewal after this 30-day period could result in a brief period without a valid medical marijuana card.

Step 1: Doctor’s Approval

The initial step in the process of renewing your Missouri medical card involves obtaining approval for medical cannabis from a doctor. Each time you renew your medical card, it’s mandatory to receive medical cannabis approval from a doctor.

Step 2: Medical Card Application Submission

Once you have obtained a recommendation from your doctor, it’s essential to submit your medical card application to the state via the DHSS Complia Portal within a 30-day timeframe.

Requirements for Obtaining a Missouri MMJ Card

To obtain an online renewal for your medical marijuana card, it’s important to confirm that you continue to fulfill the prerequisites for a Missouri MMJ card. The criteria for getting a Missouri medical marijuana card include the following:-

You need to be a resident of Missouri and provide documentation as proof of your residency:

  • Missouri I.D.
  • Missouri Driver’s License
  • Missouri Motor Vehicle Registration
  • Latest Missouri Utility Bill

It’s necessary to have one of the qualifying medical conditions recognized by the state:

  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimer’s Disease Agitation
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Huntington’s Disease
  • Autism
  • Intractable Migraines
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Neuropathies
  • Glaucoma
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Extreme/Constant Pain or Muscle Spasms
  • Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Cachexia & Wasting Syndrome
  • Any medical condition, whether chronic, debilitating, or otherwise, as determined by a doctor’s professional opinion
  • Any terminal illness

Validity Duration of a Missouri Medical Marijuana Card

The validity of a Missouri medical marijuana card is for a duration of one year. Every year, patients are required to undergo the process of obtaining re-approval from a doctor, submitting a state application, and paying the state fee of $27.76 to maintain their eligibility for medical marijuana.

Renewing an MMJ Card After the Expiration Date: Is it Possible?

Once the expiration date of a medical marijuana card in Missouri lapses, patients can easily schedule an appointment for their initial MMJ certification.

However, considering that renewing a Missouri medical card is less expensive than obtaining a first-time certification, it’s advisable for patients to renew their medical card before it expires.

Looking for high-quality medical cannabis products in Missouri?

Get a medical marijuana card and legally purchase medical cannabis from our licensed cannabis dispensaries in Missouri. For more info, contact us at +1 (816) 775-2920.

Advantages of Obtaining a Medical Marijuana Card in Missouri

besame wellness - Advantages of Obtaining a Medical Marijuana Card

Advantages of Obtaining a Medical Marijuana Card in Missouri

With the legalization of Medical and Recreational Cannabis in numerous states across the US, Missouri joined the ranks at the end of 2022. However, the legalization of adult-use cannabis does not reduce the value of acquiring a Medical Marijuana Card in Missouri as it offers many advantages that surpass those provided by recreational cannabis alone.

These benefits range from significant cost savings to increased possession limits and much more! Therefore, let us explore the various advantages of obtaining or renewing your medical marijuana card in Missouri.

Missouri Cannabis Legalization

Let us delve into the background of cannabis in Missouri before we discuss the advantages of obtaining a medical card in the state.In 2018, Missouri witnessed the legalization of medical marijuana through the approval of Amendment 2 by the voters, known as the Medical Marijuana & Veteran Healthcare Service Initiative. This ballot measure granted patients the legal right to purchase & utilize medical marijuana, provided they registered with the DHSS and got a valid medical marijuana card.

Medical Marijuana x Recreational Marijuana

After a considerable period, voters finally approved Amendment 3 in November 2022, paving the way for the legalization & regulation of recreational marijuana in Missouri.

The implementation of this ballot measure commenced in February of the following year, resulting in the gradual opening of dispensaries catering to recreational consumers.

In states where both medical & recreational cannabis is legalized, many residents often question the significance of obtaining a medical marijuana card. However, what most people overlook is the fact that medical patients always get priority.

This priority status translates into numerous advantages for medical cardholders in Missouri.

They can enjoy discounted cannabis products, benefit from lower taxes, and in the event of a cannabis shortage, they will be given precedence in accessing it.

Let’s explore the additional benefits of obtaining your medical cannabis card, particularly in Missouri.
Perks of Acquiring a Medical Marijuana Card in Missouri

Although obtaining a medical card in Missouri may involve an initial fee, the perks accompanying these cards offset the cost swiftly and enhance the overall experience of cannabis consumption.

Once you acquire a medical marijuana card in Missouri, you can take advantage of the following benefits:

Employee Protection Benefit

Obtaining a medical marijuana card in Missouri brings a significant advantage in terms of employee protection.

While certain employers permit the use of medical marijuana but not recreational marijuana, possessing a Missouri Medical Marijuana (MMJ) card indicates that you utilize marijuana for therapeutic use.

By having a medical card, you can partake in cannabis consumption without worry, as long as it’s done strictly during your time and off work hours. This ensures that you can get the benefits of medical marijuana while maintaining compliance with your employer’s policies.

Higher Possession Limits

The possession limits for recreational & medical marijuana in Missouri vary significantly. Under Missouri marijuana possession laws, individuals with an MMJ card can purchase up to 4 ounces of marijuana within 30 days.
Moreover, if two independent physicians certify that a larger amount is necessary to fulfill your health requirements, you can exceed the four-ounce limit.

For medical marijuana cardholders in Missouri, possession limits are even more generous. If you do not cultivate marijuana at home, you can possess up to an eight-ounce supply (equivalent to a 60-day supply) of dried, unprocessed marijuana.

However, if you choose to grow marijuana at home, the possession limit increases to a 12-ounce supply (equivalent to a 90-day supply) of dried, unprocessed marijuana.

On the other hand, recreational users in Missouri are restricted to purchasing only 3 ounces of marijuana. This means that their supply depletes more rapidly, necessitating more frequent dispensary visits.

By obtaining a medical marijuana card in Missouri, you can enjoy higher quantities of cannabis in a single purchase, reducing the frequency of dispensary visits and ultimately saving a significant amount of money.

Savings via Lower Taxes & Exclusive Discounts

Being a medical marijuana patient in Missouri provides you with access to loyalty programs & special discounts at dispensaries, offering valuable cost-cutting opportunities.

Merely possessing a medical card marijuana can often lead to substantial discounts on your cannabis purchases, usually ranging from 30% to 40% off, which in itself is a significant saving.

Furthermore, the disparity in tax rates between medical & recreational marijuana is another avenue for cost reduction.

Medical marijuana is subject to a 4% tax, whereas recreational marijuana carries a 6% tax. Additionally, recreational marijuana may be subject to additional taxes, such as municipal taxes.

Simply put, having a medical marijuana card allows you to purchase your cannabis at considerably lower costs compared to those without a medical marijuana card.

Priority for Medical Marijuana Card Holders

The availability of marijuana is not limitless, and shortages can occur. However, in the event of a marijuana shortage in Missouri, the state prioritizes supplying products to dispensaries serving medical marijuana patients before fulfilling recreational dispensary demands.

As a medical marijuana cardholder, your health requirements take precedence, ensuring that you receive expedited service.

Obtaining a medical card in Missouri also grants you access to enhanced and quicker service, including the convenience of marijuana delivery.

It is important to note that this facility is exclusively available to medical patients, further emphasizing the benefits of having a medical marijuana card.

Lesser Age Limit

The ability to purchase and use recreational marijuana in Missouri is restricted to individuals aged 21 and over, as stated by Missouri marijuana possession laws.

However, there is an alternative for individuals who are under 21 but seek the benefits of cannabis. The age limit to apply for medical marijuana in Missouri is 18, allowing individuals to access medical cannabis before reaching the legal age for recreational use.

Furthermore, if you are a parent with children who could potentially benefit from medical marijuana, you have the option to apply for them.

As a caregiver, you can register with the state, buy the necessary products, and administer cannabis as required. The medical marijuana program in Missouri ensures that individuals of all ages are not excluded from accessing the benefits of medical cannabis.

Reciprocity: Purchase of Medical Marijuana in Other States

Also, when you travel to another state where medical marijuana is legalized, your Missouri medical marijuana card may be recognized through a concept known as reciprocity.

Reciprocity allows individuals with a valid medical marijuana card from one state to potentially purchase marijuana in another state where medical marijuana is permitted.

However, it is essential to note that not all states with medical marijuana legalizations have reciprocity agreements in place. And it is best to check the specific laws and regulations of the state you plan to travel to before assuming reciprocity applies.

Interested in purchasing premium quality medical marijuana products in the state of Missouri?
Obtain a medical cannabis card and legally buy medical marijuana from our licensed cannabis dispensaries in Missouri. For details, get in touch with us at +1 (816) 775-2920.

Types of Cannabis-Infused Beverages

besame wellness - Types of Cannabis-Infused Beverages

What are cannabis-infused drinks?

Cannabis-infused beverages are a new trend among marijuana enthusiasts. While edibles like food & baked goods have been common for quite some time, drinks have recently grown in popularity. These drinks include anything from juices, teas, coffees, sodas, sparkling waters, and even alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages.

Typically, CBD-infused drinks have about 25mg of CBD in each serving, while THC-infused drinks contain about 10mg of THC. These drinks are legal and can be purchased either online or at physical stores selling marijuana products.

Two major components of cannabis-infused beverages

One of the benefits of cannabis-infused drinks is that you can readily conjure them at home with just a couple of ingredients. All you need is cannabis oil/tinctures and your preferred beverage.

For instance, you can add some drops of cannabis tinctures/oil to your coffee for a quick infusion. Alternatively, you can boil dry marijuana herbs in water for a few minutes, strain them, and then add them to your coffee.

Types of cannabis drinks

Before getting to know their various types, you need to be aware that cannabis-infused drinks have an unpleasant taste, with their flavor & odor described as funky by many individuals. Additionally, it’s crucial to take into account the dosage of cannabis in a beverage before drinking it.

Now coming to the point, numerous cannabis-infused drink options are available in the market, including both alcoholic & non-alcoholic varieties. You can choose from the following options depending on your needs and preferences:

  • Tea or coffee infused with cannabis leaves
  • Sodas (acidic drinks) with cannabis in them
  • Still or sparkling water infused with cannabis.
  • Non-alcoholic mocktails, wine, and beer comprising cannabis
  • Alcoholic cocktails, beer, and wine infused with cannabis
  • Cannabis-infused lemonades, flavored drops for enhancing drinks, etc.

Benefits of drinking cannabis-infused beverages

Drinking cannabis-infused beverages comes with a wide range of benefits. These drinks are either THC-infused, which can generate psychoactive effects, or CBD-infused, generally consumed for health perks and treatment of medical conditions like pain, insomnia & anxiety.

It’s essential to note that if you’re taking any medications, then it’s always best to consult your doctor before trying any cannabis products. Not doing so can result in significant adverse side effects.

Are you searching for top-quality medical cannabis products in Missouri?

Acquire a medical marijuana card and legally purchase medical marijuana from our licensed cannabis dispensaries in Missouri. For details, please reach out to us at +1 (816) 775-2920.

What is a Cannabis Flower and How to Consume it?

besame wellness - What is a Cannabis Flower

What is a Cannabis Flower and How to Consume it?

Cannabis flower refers to the part of the marijuana plant that is harvested, dried, and cured before consumption. It contains the highest concentration of THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis, and is often used for recreational or medicinal purposes.

The flower can be consumed in various ways, including smoking, vaping, or ingesting edibles. While each method has its pros and cons, smoking remains a popular choice due to its versatility and ease of use.

Whether it be flower, nug, or bud, all these cannabis terms are used for the smokable part of the marijuana plant, particularly after the part is dried & cured. While new ways of consuming marijuana have emerged, smoking flower remains a prevalent choice due to the versatility it offers.

Through this blog, we provide a detailed overview of the 4 different ways of consuming cannabis flowers.

  • Joints/Blunts

Joints/Blunts involve the classic approach of grinding a section of the flower, rolling it in smokable rolling paper/blunt wrap or emptied cigar shell and igniting it.

A very prevalent method of consuming cannabis, it has been utilized by generations past and may have been how you first experienced cannabis.

However, despite its popularity, smoking cannabis can have its downsides. Inhaling smoke can be harmful to the lungs, as it comprises hazardous chemicals that can negatively impact the respiratory system.

Moreover, it can produce an intense, pungent odor that can be displeasing for a few individuals.

  • Pipes/Bongs

Whether it be pipes or bongs (water pipes), smoking cannabis through them has similar cons to traditional cannabis smoking methods.

However, the primary difference with bongs is the smoke getting filtered & cooled via a water-containing section prior to reaching the lungs.

Additionally, hits taken from a bong can produce the expected effect more rapidly than smoking a blunt.

  • Vape Pens

Vape pens or vaporizers are compact pen-like devices that facilitate cannabis smoking.

Generally consisting of a battery & cartridge, the in-built mechanism reduces the temperature at which THC and other cannabinoids change into a gas.

This is how most of the ingredients remain unaffected that would otherwise get destroyed on igniting the cannabis.

Furthermore, vape pens also help conceal the scent of cannabis more effectively than other marijuana smoking tools.

  • Edibles

Cannabis edibles deliver more intense & enduring marijuana effects than other techniques.

However, while it’s the most potent manner of consuming cannabis flowers, edibles are one of the less-used ways of consumption.

This is because edibles can be pretty challenging to dose accurately, increasing the likelihood of high dosage & subsequent unpleasant effects.

Hence, it’s well-advised to consult a qualified healthcare professional before kickstarting the consumption of cannabis edibles.

If you’re seeking premium medical marijuana products in Missouri, we’ve got you covered.

Our licensed marijuana dispensaries offer 100% legal medical marijuana to individuals with a medical cannabis card. Additionally, you can easily order marijuana from our online cannabis dispensary. To learn more about our offerings, call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.

The Benefits & Drawbacks of Using Cannabis Cartridges

besame wellness - Benefits & Drawbacks of Using Cannabis Cartridges

What are Cannabis Cartridges?

Regular consumption of cannabis results in a number of changes in your nervous system. If you constantly consume high doses of cannabis, then these changes may dampen the beneficial effects & high of your regular edibles, flower, etc.

It may cause you to consume more cannabis to experience the same level of high and effects. This is basically what is termed cannabis tolerance.

It’s quite common in regular cannabis users and can vary depending on each person’s genetics and the potency of the cannabis they are consuming. The silver lining is that cannabis tolerance can be lowered but before discussing that, let’s have a look at its symptoms.

Symptoms of cannabis tolerance?

Cannabis tolerance varies in timescales from person to person, factoring in variables such as the regularity of consumption, quantity consumed in a single day, amounts of THC & CBD in the products consumed, etc.

Having said that, regular users will be able to decipher whether they have had to increase the quantity of cannabis consumption to experience the same beneficial effects as before. Also, they are experiencing only some of the effects rather than all of them, which is a common symptom of cannabis tolerance.

In rare instances, a very high cannabis tolerance could actually cause the reverse effects of what one is accustomed to, negatively impacting their life in the process. Also, it can make you addicted to cannabis which is quite a serious health issue to deal with.

Considering all this, it’s essential to be aware of how to lower cannabis tolerance. So let’s check it out!

How to lower your cannabis tolerance?

Lowering cannabis tolerance starts with gradually reducing your cannabis intake. Try a different cannabis strain of lower potency, or opt for CBD-only products. Make sure that you don’t have easy access to cannabis products in your house. Keep them away from your reach!

Whether that means you waste some money, then so be it, as health comes first before anything else. Moreover, you would save money over time as you avoid the adverse effects of cannabis tolerance and the ensuing medical costs.

Make sure to remain as busy as possible and engage in your favourite hobbies to avoid letting your mind wander and seek cannabis. The initial days when you decrease your consumption will be pretty challenging, with symptoms like strong cannabis cravings, reduced appetite & energy levels, headaches, lack of focus, irritation, insomnia, etc.

As weeks pass and you stick to your task, the symptoms will improve gradually, and you can go full cold turkey if possible. Completely avoiding cannabis consumption for up to 4 weeks is known to be especially effective in lowering cannabis tolerance.

Want to purchase the finest quality marijuana products for sale in Missouri?
Apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical marijuana from our licensed cannabis dispensaries in Missouri.
Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.

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What Is Cannabis Tolerance?

besame wellness - What Is Cannabis Tolerance

Do you consume medical cannabis to treat a particular health condition? If yes, then you need to be aware of cannabis tolerance.

What is Cannabis Tolerance?

Regular consumption of cannabis results in a number of changes in your nervous system. If you constantly consume high doses of cannabis, then these changes may dampen the beneficial effects & high of your regular edibles, flower, etc.

It may cause you to consume more cannabis to experience the same level of high and effects. This is basically what is termed cannabis tolerance.

It’s quite common in regular cannabis users and can vary depending on each person’s genetics and the potency of the cannabis they are consuming. The silver lining is that cannabis tolerance can be lowered but before discussing that, let’s have a look at its symptoms.

Symptoms of cannabis tolerance?

Cannabis tolerance varies in timescales from person to person, factoring in variables such as the regularity of consumption, quantity consumed in a single day, amounts of THC & CBD in the products consumed, etc.

Having said that, regular users will be able to decipher whether they have had to increase the quantity of cannabis consumption to experience the same beneficial effects as before. Also, they are experiencing only some of the effects rather than all of them, which is a common symptom of cannabis tolerance.

In rare instances, a very high cannabis tolerance could actually cause the reverse effects of what one is accustomed to, negatively impacting their life in the process. Also, it can make you addicted to cannabis which is quite a serious health issue to deal with.

Considering all this, it’s essential to be aware of how to lower cannabis tolerance. So let’s check it out!

How to lower your cannabis tolerance?

Lowering cannabis tolerance starts with gradually reducing your cannabis intake. Try a different cannabis strain of lower potency, or opt for CBD-only products. Make sure that you don’t have easy access to cannabis products in your house. Keep them away from your reach!

Whether that means you waste some money, then so be it, as health comes first before anything else. Moreover, you would save money over time as you avoid the adverse effects of cannabis tolerance and the ensuing medical costs.

Make sure to remain as busy as possible and engage in your favourite hobbies to avoid letting your mind wander and seek cannabis. The initial days when you decrease your consumption will be pretty challenging, with symptoms like strong cannabis cravings, reduced appetite & energy levels, headaches, lack of focus, irritation, insomnia, etc.

As weeks pass and you stick to your task, the symptoms will improve gradually, and you can go full cold turkey if possible. Completely avoiding cannabis consumption for up to 4 weeks is known to be especially effective in lowering cannabis tolerance.

Want to purchase the finest quality marijuana products for sale in Missouri?
Apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical marijuana from our licensed cannabis dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.

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What are Cannabis Concentrates?

besame wellness - What are Cannabis Concentrates

Heard about cannabis concentrates? Want to know in detail about them??
This blog is for you!

What are cannabis concentrates?

Cannabis concentrates are essentially a concentrated version of the cannabis plant. They contain all the cannabis compounds (cannabinoids & terpenes) that give it its well-known medicinal effects without any of the additional plant material that is consumed while smoking a flower. As a result, the flavour & effects experienced on consumption are very strong.

How to store cannabis concentrates?

Properly storing cannabis concentrates is vital to maintain their quality (aroma, weight & potency), especially if you want to preserve them for several months.

It’s important to keep them away from moisture, air, light & heat by storing them in any of the following:

  • Concentrate Containers for Cannabis
  • Parchment Paper
  • Silicone Jar
  • Glass Jar
  • Plastic Jar

For short-term storage, you need to keep them in a dark & cool place such as a freezer. A drawer could also work if you are planning to consume the concentrates within a week’s time.

How to consume different types of cannabis concentrates?

Inhaling cannabis concentrates can be done in 2 different ways, namely smoking or dabbing. Both ways have significant differences but require quite similar tools for consumption. So let’s get to know in detail about them.

1) Smoking

This is the simpler way of consuming cannabis concentrates. You just need to sprinkle a few of the concentrates on top of your next joint/bowl. However, since the potency level of concentrates is very high, the quantity of consumption should be decided by consulting a qualified healthcare professional.

2) Dabbing

Dabbing is basically flash vaporizing. A dab tool, rig, timer & torch is required to dab a cannabis concentrate the traditional way. If you have spare money, you can buy a fancy e-nail, which dials in the time & temperature on its own.

Dab tool or dabber:
Since cannabis concentrates are pretty sticky in nature, a dab tool or dabber is utilized to drop them into the rig. They are available in the form of different materials such as glass, quartz, titanium, ceramic, etc.

  • Rig: This is where the concentrates are placed with the help of a dab tool. Please note that it’s crucial that you place the concentrates only when the rig is at the right temperature.
  • Torch: A food-grade blow torch is utilized to heat the banger on the rig to make it adequately hot for flash vaporizing the cannabis concentrate. With time & experimentation, one can find out the right amount of time the dial-in is required for heating the banger and the time for which it should be allowed to cool before dropping the concentrate in.
  • Timer: A timer helps time the dial-in and cooling period accurately.
  • E-nail: It’s an electronic rig that handles the temperature & time settings by itself. It allows the user to revel in a clean, potent cannabis hit every time without having to worry about the temperature and timings.

Searching for the finest quality marijuana products in Missouri for your consumption?
Apply for a medical marijuana card and purchase 100% legal medical cannabis from our licensed cannabis dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.

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4 Things you should know about Marijuana Vape Cartridges

besame wellness - 4 Things you should know about Marijuana Vape Cartridges

Curious about cannabis vape cartridges? Want to know in detail about them?

You’re at the right place! Let’s get started.

What is a Cannabis Vape Cartridge?

A cylindrical-shaped glass cartridge usually comprising a half or full gram of cannabis oil is called a cannabis vape cartridge.

Cannabinoids and terpenes in different combinations are present in this oil, which get discharged as vapor once the oil gets heated.

Some cannabis vape cartridges contain an in-built disposable battery, while others include a rechargeable cartridge battery provided separately.

Regardless of the battery type, cannabis vape cartridges are becoming popular due to their easy functionality, portability, and overall convenience they offer.

How do Cannabis Vape Cartridges Work?

Cannabis vape cartridges contain a heating element inside them, which converts the oil into vapor upon being warmed by the battery. Users inhale the vapor to take in the cannabinoids & terpenes present in the oil.

Newer cartridges even include additional features that help control temperature and manage dose.

How to Use a Vape Cartridge?

The first step involves connecting the cartridge to the vape pen battery. The battery might switch on instantly or need a series of button taps to turn it on.

Once the battery is on, the vape pen will light up. This implies that you can begin inhaling via the mouthpiece, hold the button & experience the vapor getting inside your lungs.

On exhaling, some smoke will come out, indicating that the device is working properly. Once done, you can turn it off by pressing the same button again.

Note that there are differences in hardware configurations, and there is no set standard. Always double check the instructions, or give us a call with any questions at callto:816-775-2920.

Types of Vape Cartridges

There are 3 types of vape cartridges depending on the format of the tank they come in. This include:

1) 510-Thread Cartridge

The most common among the 3 types of vape cartridges, the 510-thread cartridge derives its name from the 510 mm thread on the cartridge base.

Most vape pen batteries contain 510 mm thread connectors on them, making these cartridges compatible with a multitude brands.

2) Disposable Vapes

As the name suggests, disposable vapes are single-use gadgets that comprise the cannabis extract, battery & mouthpiece all within themselves.

These vapes don’t require charging or any other external equipment. They can straightaway be used after purchase.

3) Pod Cartridges

Also known as proprietary connections, pod cartridges are only compatible with the vape battery of that specific brand.

This type of vape cartridge doesn’t provide any flexibility but can deliver a much better unique visual presentation or bespoke user experience.

Looking for the best quality medical marijuana products for the treatment of a specific health condition?

Apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical marijuana from our licensed cannabis dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.

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What Is The Difference Between Medical & Recreational Cannabis?

besame wellness - Difference Between Medical & Recreational Cannabis

Medical cannabis legislation has already been passed in various US states, with many others expected to follow suit soon. Some states have even legalized the use of cannabis for recreational purposes.

So, the question arises – is medical and recreational cannabis the same? If not, then what exactly is the difference between the two? Let’s dive in!

What is medical marijuana?

Medical marijuana/cannabis is basically prescribed by a qualified healthcare professional to patients with one or more of the qualifying conditions stipulated in their respective state laws.

It’s used in the treatment of the qualifying condition(s) to relieve related symptoms and help improve the quality of life of the person.

What is recreational marijuana?

On the other hand, recreational marijuana/cannabis is used for recreational purposes in states where it’s legal to grow, sell and use it by adults over a particular age, irrespective of whether they have any medical condition.

Difference between medical & recreational marijuana

Even though both medical & recreational cannabis is generally the same, the key difference between these products lies in their CBD & THC levels and the presence of terpenes.

Other differences may involve the quality of the products, availability, shopping experiences, and state specific laws.

THC & CBD Levels

THC and CBD are the cannabinoids present in marijuana that are responsible for the well-known effects we associate with cannabis.

While THC usually helps patients with nausea, insomnia, anorexia, etc., CBD assists individuals suffering from chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and more.

Their levels differ depending on the product type, whether it be edibles, tinctures, topicals, concentrates, etc.

Consult your healthcare provider regarding which medical cannabis product type would be suitable for your consumption. In the case of recreational marijuana, speak with the budtender for cannabis product suggestions.


Websites such as can help you locate the medical/recreational cannabis dispensaries in your neighborhood.


Many US states don’t test medical/recreational cannabis for the presence of any contaminants in them. Thankfully Missouri has strict quality rules and oversight for cannabis products. So make sure to check proof of testing on products before buying them, or ask the budtender for details regarding them.

Shopping Experiences

In most instances, medical cannabis patients in the US have zero or very little taxes to pay when they buy products at state-licensed marijuana dispensaries.

They are also generally permitted to purchase & possess more amounts of marijuana than those allowed to recreational users.

Documents required for purchase typically include a government issued ID document like a passport or driver’s license as well as a medical marijuana card issued by the state authority.

State Laws

Medical and recreational marijuana laws may differ from state to state in the US. Hence, it’s essential to be completely aware of the laws in your state to avoid breaking the law unknowingly.

Check whether your state has legalized the use of medical marijuana, the qualifying conditions, the process to get a medical marijuana card, etc. Stay updated on the laws to avoid any unexpected trouble.

Interested in buying premium quality medical cannabis products for the treatment of a health condition?

Apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our licensed marijuana dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.

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What are Cannabinoids?

besame wellness - What are Cannabinoids?

Despite being in existence for hundreds & thousands of years, there has been a notable lack of research regarding cannabis, its constituent compounds called cannabinoids and their effects.

Now, with widespread regulation governing the use of medical marijuana across the US at the state level, it’s essential to know more about these compounds and their therapeutic effects.

Through this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of what are cannabinoids, what do cannabinoids do, and the various effects they cause inside the human body.

What are cannabinoids?

Naturally occurring compounds in the cannabis plant, cannabinoids are present in over 100 different types, with the two well-known types being THC and CBD.

Each cannabinoid has its unique properties, whether it be adverse or beneficial.

They are basically a class of various chemical compounds that interact with the natural endocannabinoid system in the human body and activate its receptors.

The relaxing/calming effect or the euphoric feeling one experiences on consuming cannabis is essentially the result of this interaction between cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system.

What do cannabinoids do?

As discussed above, cannabinoids cause the various effects associated with cannabis consumption through their interaction with the endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system is a chemical-based biological system which is accountable for a wide array of cognitive & physiological processes.

These processes include memory, mood, pain perception, inflammation, etc. Hence, cannabis is said to be beneficial for the treatment of health conditions wherein these processes are adversely affected.

What are the effects of cannabinoids?

Even though there is still a lack of sufficient, high-quality research on cannabinoids, some of their well-known beneficial effects can help treat:

  • Chronic pain & inflammation
  • Anxiety disorders & depression
  • Insomnia and other sleep problems
  • Epilepsy
  • Seizures, especially in children
  • Glaucoma
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Nausea & vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy
  • Movement Disorders caused by Tourette Syndrome
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Symptoms linked with HIV/AIDS

Are you interested in purchasing medical cannabis products for the treatment of a specific health condition?
Apply for a medical marijuana card and purchase 100% legal medical marijuana from our licensed cannabis dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.

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